Christopher M. Kaplan, MS, LPC

Fort Collins, Colorado

(404) 563-4983

Christopher M. Kaplan, MS, LPC

“...healing begins when you abandon your demands for love and choose instead to give love, no matter what the cost.”

-Michael D. O'Brien

Why Little Desert Counseling?

The Little Desert is not only the place where the person encounters his poverty, but the place when impossibility meets possibility. It is a paradox within the life lived with Christ Jesus where hunger and satiation exist simultaneously between the slavery of Egypt and the ordered freedom of the Promised Land. We may experience the milk and honey of God's Promise when we embrace our weakness with Him. This is the place we inevitably find ourselves on the journey of healing and restoration from the wounds we inherit. 

Who am I?

I began my experience as a fledgling in therapy through an internship with Turning Point in Fort Collins, working as an outpatient therapist and a crisis therapist at their residential facility for teenagers. From there I moved on to work at Harvest Farm as a therapist for recovery from addiction and trauma until the end of Spring 2024. Currently, I work solely in my private practice.

During my graduate years, I often wondered at what a therapist was exactly. It did not feel right to say a therapist was one who gave good advice because what advice could I give to a world that bleeds? If it was not advice, it must be a companionship I thought. If man was made in and for relationship, companionship must be the answer to my wondering. The word is beautiful in its etymology, which roughly translates to "bread fellow" in the late latin. My role in your life is one who shares bread along your journey and this is a role I take seriously. My aim is to sit down with you and come to understand what it means to suffer well from your perspective. 

Credentials and Certifications:
Masters of Science - Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Divine Mercy UniversityLPCADDCEMDR I, II - Green CrossCertified Clinical Traumatologist - Green Cross

If you believe that I might be a good fit for your goals, get set up for therapy today by clicking the link below:







Grief and Loss

Relationship Struggles


What is EMDR?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. It is a psychotherapeutic treatment for individuals seeking relief from symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other various trauma related symptoms. It is a therapy that gives credence to the reality that our minds, souls, and bodies are composite, which means that when one part is affected, the whole is affected. 

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Out-of-Network Provider

I can supply you with a superbill to submit to your insurance company after you have paid for your sessions

Session Rates (Sliding Scale, Call For Details):

$150 per 45 minute session

$200 per 60 minute session

FREE 20 minute consultation